Tuesday 20 August 2013

Snazzy882 - Special Friend

Hey guys, I'm making my third post today (I know, 2 posts in one day!), and this post is quite a special post. Today, I'm going to be talking about a special friend that I've only known for about 2 minutes but it's like I knew her forever. Her name is Snazzy882 or in other words, Quisha. As soon as I read her amazing blog http://snazchic.blogspot.co.uk/, I just had to meet her. As soon as she accepted my friend request I spoke to her right away.

I'm really glad that I met her, it seems as if we have so much in common! I hope I get to know her more as the days go by.

The post is unfortunately coming to an end. If you want to be in a "Special Friend" post, why don't you talk to me on MSP? Who knows, you could be starring on a post :).


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