Sunday, 22 December 2013

New Pets?!

 Hello Twinklers - was that a good name? No.. I think not, but anyway, hi and welcome to another new post to start off your MSP day. Today we're going to be talking about the pets since nobody ever talks about them. They've been upgraded quite a lot.

Instead of your normal cute pets, they took them away and replaced them with these; bonsters. I believe that they're quite cute but it would've been better to leave the other pets alone - they aren't as complicated & detailed as the bontsers.

Introducing, the new & improved, Boonies! These cute little furballs still have to same advantages as the previous ones - you can take them around, play with them & earn fame and level them up. This time, you can make your pets reach a much higher level than level 10 - I believe it goes to 100 or 50. Again, they're nice alright but I prefer the other Boonies better - they seem much more cuter.. but that's just my opinion. Some of you may love the idea that they have changed the pets :).
Unfortunately there are still only 2 types of pets - they haven't really added more apart from the bonsters.

This post is coming to an end but make sure to comment and ask any questions for more posts like these!


Saturday, 21 December 2013

MSP In The Future

Hello everybody and welcome to the 2nd post that has happened in December. Before I start of with anything I'd like to talk about how I've changed the blog.

Users have been complaining to me that the previous background was bright and it hurt their eyes, so I've decided to girly-ize the blog; make it more pink! Of course that doesn't mean only girls can be able to check out this blog, anybody can. After all, pink is not specific for just one gender; anybody can like it! It's just that I wanted to tell you why I have changed it yet again.

Now it's time to look at the changes in MSP. These changes have not come to the UK MSP server but these things are available in the Ireland server. I've started to play on the Ireland server since yesterday someone made a forum about what's happening on Irish MSP.

On Irish MSP they changed the fame into percentages, that means it's easier to keep track on how much more fame you need. Well, I think so anyway. Earning fame is much easier now too!

Since you gain fame more easier, you have to be a level 8+ to enter the mall now. The same goes with gifting, you must be a level 6+ to be able to gift.
The levels 1-4 are more of the noobie levels considering the fact you can't really go to different places. This annoyed me since I'm only a level 7; I CAN'T ENTER THE MALL :(.

NEW LEVELS ARE HERE ON IRISH MSP. I  don't know how many levels it goes up to though, but you can find out by going to the Ireland server. The made everything easier for us, you can reach to level 4 in a day! Trust me, I've been experimenting on there.

Hopefully these changes will come to the UK server since it'll be awesome to see how much the high scorers gained on their levels.

This post is unfortunately coming to an end - I forgot to mention, I've added an anonymous user so any of you guys, that don't have Google accounts, can comment to. Just leave your MSP user name at the bottom so I can identify who has been commenting.


Friday, 20 December 2013


Hi everyone; I can explain about the lack of posts. It's because I've been working or updating my blog! I've learnt how to do tons of things and I think I've made my blog a bright & pretty place to go on. From now on, fingers crossed, I'm going to post A LOT more since MSP has been updating their selves.

They've already been showing signs of what's going to be changing, like the amount of levels..

As you can see, MSP might introduce new levels. The picture above (Click to enlarge), shows 100. Now, MSP players know that levels only go up to 25. I don't know if you have seen this before but this has been coming up a lot of times for me just after I sign in. This may also mean MSP might lag around a little.

I've bought a top for 500 SC and the very next day it disappeared! I was annoyed, of course, but then it came back after I logged back on. So I can just say, I don't think the lag is permanent.

This post is coming to an end, but don't forget to comment on what you think I can add or improve on my blog!
